
Chlamydia is caused by bacteria called chlamydia trachomatis that is found in semen and vaginal fluid of people who have the infection.


Signs and symptoms

People assigned female at birth

         Unusual discharge from the vagina.                                                                                                        Burning sensation when urinating.                                                                                                          Pain in abdomen, bleeding during sex or bleeding between periods

People assigned male at birth

         Cloudy or watery discharge from the penis.                                                                                            Burning sensation when urinating.                                                                                                          Pain and swelling of testicles                                                                                                                  Burning and itchy penis and testicles

Both can experience 

         Unusual discharge, pain and bleeding from the rectum.                                                                         A sore throat.                                                                                                                                          Redness, pain and discharge of the eye



This is passed on by vaginal, anal or oral sex with an infected person without protection.

It can also be transmitted by sharing sex toys that have not been washed after being used by an infected person.


If you have had unprotected sex, have a test as soon as you can. Accurate results should appear after two weeks.

The test is done with either a urine test or a swab test.

Swab testing:

The swab looks like a cotton bud and this collects a sample from inside the vagina or from the tip of the penis.

A doctor or nurse may take the swab of your throat or anus if you have had either oral or anal sex.

You may be advised to have another test two weeks after having sex.


Chlamydia is treated with a course of antibiotics, there are two types of antibiotics. If you have symptoms you should notice improvements, if not you seek medical advice.

If left untreated it can spread to other parts of the body and cause more serious problems. In those who are biologically female it can cause PID which can damage the oviducts and lead to infertility. in those who are biologically male, sperm ducts and testicles may become damage.


Gonorrhoea is also known as ‘the clap’. Gonorrhoea is caused by a bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. 


Many people with gonorrhoea have no symptoms, but when symptoms do occur, they can include 

People assigned female at birth

         Green or yellow discharge from the vagina.                                                                                            Pain or burning sensation when urinating.                                                                                              Pain in abdomen, bleeding during sex or bleeding between periods

People assigned male at birth

         Green, yellow or white discharge from the penis                                                                                    Pain or burning sensation when urinating.                                                                                              Swelling of the foreskin, pain or tenderness in the testicles                                                                                                                 

Both can develop in the rectum, throat or eyes. 

         Infection of rectum can cause discomfort, pain or discharge.                                                                Infection of eyes can cause irritation, pain, swelling and discharge, and you can develop                    conjunctivitis                                                                                                                                            Infection of the throat usually causes no symptoms.



This is passed on by vaginal, anal or oral sex with an infected person without a condom.

It can also be transmitted by sharing sex toys that have not been washed after being used by an infected person.

This can be passed from mother to baby in childbirth.

Without treatment can cause permanent blindness



Gonorrhoea can be easily diagnosed by a swab test or a urine sample. 

Swab testing:

The swab looks like a cotton bud and this collects a sample from inside the vagina or from the tip of the penis, testing a sample of discharge picked up .

A doctor or nurse may take the swab of your throat or anus if you have had either oral or anal sex.



Can normally be treated with antibiotics.

If left untreated it can cause people with cervix can experience long term problems these include reduced fertility or an increased risk of ectopic pregnancies. In men it can cause a painful infection in the testicles and prostate gland. 

Without treatment Gonorrhoea can spread to other parts of the body and cause serious problems.